Eucalyptus: Whether in the form of cough drops, capsules, tea, as a balm, bath additive or as an inhalant – the dosage forms of the popular medicinal plant are diverse. In this article, we would like to show you why eucalyptus should not be missing from any medicine cabinet, especially in winter.

Where does the eucalyptus come from and what distinguishes it?

The eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus globulus), originally from Australia, can be described as a real survivor: despite its size of usually 35 meters high, it needs hardly any water, can tolerate great heat and can even sprout again after devastating forest fires. This resistance gives it a growth advantage after a forest fire, just like the robust Mediterranean pine. By shedding its foliage and ripe fruit, this medicinal plant also employs chemical warfare tactics: both parts of the plant contain so many essential oils that they are toxic to other plants. Thus, practically no other plants are found in a eucalyptus forest. The mix of essential oils is mainly extracted from the fragrant, leathery leaves and used as an herbal remedy for colds and coughs.


What are the ingredients in eucalyptus?

Die medizinisch wirksamen ätherischen Öle, die hauptsächlich aus der Substanz Cineol bestehen, sind vor allem für ihre heilsame Wirkung bei Atemwegserkrankungen bekannt. Cineol wirkt schleimlösend und besitzt außerdem antibakterielle, antivirale, desinfizierende und entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften. Zu den weiteren Inhaltsstoffen im Öl der Eukalyptusblätter zählen etwa Aldehyde, Ketone, Terpene und Sesquiterpenalkohole.

Wirkung von Eukalyptus

The medically effective essential oils, which consist mainly of the substance cineole, are known primarily for their healing effect in respiratory diseases. Cineol has an expectorant effect and also possesses antibacterial, antiviral, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. Other ingredients in the oil of eucalyptus leaves include aldehydes, ketones, terpenes and sesquiterpene alcohols.

Effect of eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is considered a reliable remedy especially for colds, respiratory problems and a blocked nose. But the medicinal plant can do even more: its targeted use can also be a good support for bronchitis, sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses) and rheumatic complaints. In diabetics, it can even lead to a reduction in blood sugar levels.

Eucalyptus oil for inhalation

For respiratory diseases such as colds, coughs or bronchitis, we advise you to inhale eucalyptus oil in addition to tea. Simply put 2 drops of the oil in a bowl of boiling water and hold your head, covered with a towel, over the bowl. Be sure to keep your eyes closed. Please make sure that the vapors are not too hot. The inhalation should be pleasant for you.

Eucalyptus oil can also be combined with other essential oils for inhalation, this is very effective and efficient, for example, oils of thyme, lavender, spruce needle and the mint. Particularly effective has turned out to be the “Breathless” inhalation mixture by the aroma therapist Dr. Jean Valnet, which consists of various organic essential oils, all of which kill bacteria, fungi and even viruses:


Eucalyptus baths for large-area skin problems

For large area skin problems such as acne, you can also make a strong tea from the eucalyptus leaves. Simply prepare 50 – 100 grams of eucalyptus leaves in 1 – 2 liters of water as described above. After straining, you can add the eucalyptus tea directly into your bath water. A positive side effect: Due to the warmth in the bath, you also absorb some of the essential oils of the plant through your breathing.


You see, eucalyptus is an effective companion – especially in the cold season – when it comes to coughs, colds and hoarseness. By the way: In our store as well as in our retail store in Berlin we offer you high-quality eucalyptus oil as well as eucalyptus leaves from controlled organic cultivation. If you have questions about the application and dosage, please contact us. We will be happy to advise you.