More and more people are using fasting as a kind of spring cleaning for body, mind and soul. Fasting has a tradition going back thousands of years. “Invented” many centuries ago by the monks, it served them above all to be able to devote themselves better and more unencumbered to spiritual life for a limited time. Nowadays, fasting is mainly seen and carried out on a physical level. And here, of course, it also has its effect of purification, detoxification and deacidification.
There are many different types of fasting, which we would like to introduce to you in the coming weeks. But first we would like to explain the necessity of fasting.

What does fasting do to the human body?

During fasting, the body is only supplied with a minimum amount of calories, vitamins and minerals. During this time our cells can regenerate and our body is cleansed. Toxins are transported out of the body and our organism is strengthened.
Besides cell renewal, detoxification, intestinal cleansing, strengthening of the immune system and mental health are goals of fasting. Many people fast to get away from an oversupply of food, because just like a lack of food, an oversupply can cause stress. In addition, fasting is often accompanied by a desire for change. Do you feel uncomfortable with your current life situation, job or lifestyle? Apart from the beneficial and healthy effect on the body, a fast can open your eyes to what is really important to you. And finally, fasting is also about enjoyment, because it is not uncommon for sensory impressions to be much more intense after the fasting period, especially with regard to taste and smell.
At the same time, fasting is by no means meant to be a short-term interruption of our everyday life. Through fasting, we offer our bodies a time-out from habits that cause illness and motivate us to live healthier and more consciously in the future. Therefore, fasting should also be a meaningful experience, which at best encourages us to reflect and rethink.

What fasting methods are there?

There are a variety of fasting methods, most of which can be easily integrated into our daily lives. In addition to longer fasting cures, there are also isolated methods that only involve abstaining from food in phases in order to allow the body smaller recovery phases.
The most popular fasting cures include:
– Intermittent fasting
– Buchinger therapeutic fasting
– Modified fasting
– Alkaline fasting
– Schroth cure
– Mayr cure
– Fruit fasting
– Juice fasting- Full fasting (without any food, with water and teas)

What should be considered when fasting?

Fasting always works particularly well when it takes place in a calm and relaxed environment. If it is a somewhat longer fasting cure, you should ideally take time off for the time of fasting.
If you are fasting for the first time, you should be aware in advance that it is not only about a reduced food intake or a drinking cure. Fasting also includes a period of preparation, bowel cleansing, careful body care, sufficient exercise and strong social support from family or friends.
If you are unable to take time off despite fasting, remember that an increased level of self-discipline is necessary. The temptation to eat in the office, in the canteen or generally in company, or not to gratefully decline an offered snack, is much greater here. It is also important to remember that you should generally take it a little slower during this time and your circulation will probably be weaker than usual. In the office, this can cause additional stress besides work, which gets in the way of the positive effects of fasting.


Who should not fast?

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not fast. It is much more important to choose a type of fasting that suits one’s circumstances and can be followed consistently. Despite the many good effects, fasting is not recommended for people with severe heart and kidney diseases, cancer, gout or bile problems. However, these are not general rules. After consulting a doctor, fasting may be appropriate for people with illnesses. Otherwise, fasting is suitable for anyone who feels healthy and wants to fast. This also applies to very slim people.

Side effects of fasting

The first few days in particular can be somewhat stressful, unfamiliar and unpleasant. Some people feel restless, freeze or complain of headaches. This is because hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol cause tension. Don’t let this put you off. As a rule, these symptoms, if you have them at all, disappear after three days at the latest and a feeling of elation sets in, which often continues even after the fasting cure has ended. Changes in the transport of serotonin in the brain are responsible for this. You will feel wonderfully light and carefree and enjoy all the extra time you have because everything to do with food is omitted. Anyone who has ever fasted will certainly be able to confirm this.
In the coming days and weeks, we would like to provide you with various fasting cures as well as valuable tips for effective fasting here in our blog. Feel free to leave us a comment with your questions, suggestions and experiences about fasting here on the blog.