Dear friends of Herbathek, today we turn to a time-honored nutritional supplement that many of you may remember from childhood: Cod liver oil.

For a long time, this oil was hailed as a true miracle cure for numerous ailments, but what’s really behind it? In this article, we will go into the benefits of cod liver oil, shed light on its effect on our body and give valuable tips on the correct dosage.

What is cod liver oil?

Cod liver oil is an oil extracted from the liver of fish, especially cod. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamins A and D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their health benefits.

The use of cod liver oil as a dietary supplement has a long tradition. Already in ancient times, people recognized the value of this oil and used it to treat various diseases. In the 18th and 19th centuries, cod liver oil was widely used in Europe to prevent childhood diseases such as rickets, a disease caused by vitamin D deficiency.

To produce cod liver oil, fish liver is steamed at low heat to extract the oil. The extracted oil is then purified and further processed to produce a product for human consumption. Nowadays, cod liver oil is often offered in capsule form as a dietary supplement, making it easier to take and dose.

The benefits and effects of cod liver oil

Cod liver oil is more than just a traditional home remedy, it is a true powerhouse of nutrients that provides numerous health benefits. The main focus is on the omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A and vitamin D it contains.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that our bodies cannot make themselves, so we must get them from food. They are important for heart health, support brain function and have anti-inflammatory effects. Cod liver oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially the EPA and DHA types, which play an important role in heart and brain health.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in eye, skin and immune health. Cod liver oil is rich in vitamin A and therefore can help ensure adequate levels of vitamin A in the body.

Vitamin D is another important ingredient in cod liver oil. It supports bone health, immune system function, and can even affect mood. Since our bodies make vitamin D by exposing our skin to sunlight, we can become deficient, especially during the winter months or in people who have little exposure to sunlight. Cod liver oil is one of the few natural sources of vitamin D in the diet, so it can help maintain healthy vitamin D levels.


How to dose and take cod liver oil – the right way
When it comes to dietary supplements, it is important that they are dosed and taken correctly. This is because although cod liver oil has numerous benefits, excessive intake can lead to undesirable side effects. Therefore, it is important to find an appropriate dose.

The recommended daily dose for adults is usually between 1 and 2 teaspoons of cod liver oil, which is about 4 to 8 grams. For children, a smaller dose of about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon is usually appropriate. It should be noted that this may vary, and it is recommended to follow the instructions on the product label or the advice of a health care provider.

Cod liver oil can be taken in either liquid or capsule form. The liquid form offers faster and more efficient absorption, but may be considered unpleasant by some due to its strong taste. The capsule form, on the other hand, can provide a tasty alternative.

Regardless of the form, it is best to take cod liver oil with a meal to enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A and D.

In summary, cod liver oil, properly dosed and taken, can be a valuable addition to a healthy diet and offers numerous benefits to our health. As always, however, dietary supplements cannot replace a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, but can only support them.